Unendlich Fernweh

Experience of the unknown, Admiration of the unimaginable, Inspiration from the Unforgettable

Fernweh by definition is the exact opposite of Heimweh, (Homesickness). Fernweh is a German word that beautifully explains a lot of feelings in one word, which literally means “far sickness” or “an ache for the distance”. Here are some symptoms of my wanderlust.

To wake up very often in my bed, in my home feeling so out of place, uncomfortable, unwelcome, with this restlessness in my mind and vigour in my body. A rigorous want to break the routine. An uncontrollable urge to pack my rucksack, put on some shoes, and walk away into the horizon, no second thoughts, no words, and simply get lost into a place that has never had the presence of many a footsteps.

To spend hours lost in thoughts of places that probably are just figments of my scattered imagination or pictures engraved in my mind of places I long to visit; patched up together like an overwhelming collage. To get teary constantly glued to the internet watching video’s, reading blogs of travellers, skimming through old pictures of holidays, trips and vacations. To be left with a want, a need, a hope, a dream...

A want... to walk towards the far sight of mountains with the determination and anticipation of getting to the top. A need... to swim the vastness of the oceans or just float on the bed of water and stare at the clear sky with patched clouds or the midnight starry nights. A hope... to listen to the sounds of the flowing streams, the crashing waves, the billows of the winds, the rustling of leaves. A dream... to find the familiarity in unknown people by warm smiles, comforting glances exchanged, most of whom I will never cross paths with again.

Away from technology. Away from a lavish lifestyle. Away from the rat race. Away from the regularities of life. Away from responsibilities. Away from dependencies. Away from expectations. Away from the negativity. Away from unrealistic hopes. Away from fake, pretentious smiles.

To just be able to re-live those moments in my head over and over again, a sense of peace, inspiration, adding another new chapter to my story...


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