
Showing posts from February, 2016

Chapter 5: The Wanderer

"Not all those who wander are lost; not all that is over is past" ~ John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Saying ‘goodbye’ is never easy for the young warrior, but she knew it was sometimes more important than saying‘hello’. Her life would not be lived until all of the unwritten stories of her book were ventured and in its own way calibrated to completeness. In order for her to arrive to that satisfaction of a new story, she had to move on from comfort and explore the changes all around her, else it was not worth a story at all. It was time to bid farewell to the Knight, for his teachings with the Warrior were done. She could see a 'goodbye' from various perspectives. Did it mean that their stories would never coincide? Or did it mean that their stories would take different turns? Or could it possibly be that there could be new stories played with different characters in the future? The Warrior was no longer just a warrior, and yet, not a knight. She was now baptized by