
Showing posts from December, 2013

Mind of a Cat, Heart of a Dog

A struggle of the ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ Very often I am told to listen to my heart. So I ask myself what does my heart say? I hear something but I cannot make sense of it and so I turn to my mind. I cannot see clearly ahead but I cannot forget what just passed me by. I was told I am good with words. Then why is it so hard to speak my mind or my heart? I’m just floating amidst the clouds that fly away, and the rain that pours down to the earth. Where do I belong? If ‘heart’ is the righteous choice then why does it only bring pain? If ‘mind’ is the choice of a cold heart then why do I experience stronger feelings? Is it love? Or is it a force inculcated by the darkness of loneliness, the need for belonging, an illusion of infatuation? What is love? I thought it was many things. Infatuation In my opinion ‘Love is often a misconception of infatuation. One would be smart enough to know that it is an immature contemplation but in spite of having significant understanding of its unreal