
Showing posts from February, 2019

Turning 30

The big 3 O as they call it… While most people are anxious about this supposedly life changing number, there are others who embrace the change and even few who are indifferent to it. I consider myself one of those who feel indifferent to it. In the last couple of years as I was nearing this number and watching others around me nearing this age, I was trying to understand why people made such a big deal about it. Was it because of social-cultural expectations? Was it biological changes? Was it because of human nature to psychologically group phases of your life in decades? Perhaps a mixture of everything. And so I picked each of these questions and tried to answer them for myself to understand better why it’s not so special to me. Social Expectations: While social expectations play an important part in everyone’s life, it only brushes me on the surface. Turning 30 and being unmarried is quite aggressively looked down upon by societies in India if not other places. The expect