Mind of a Cat, Heart of a Dog

A struggle of the ‘heart’ and ‘mind’

Very often I am told to listen to my heart. So I ask myself what does my heart say? I hear something but I cannot make sense of it and so I turn to my mind. I cannot see clearly ahead but I cannot forget what just passed me by. I was told I am good with words. Then why is it so hard to speak my mind or my heart?

I’m just floating amidst the clouds that fly away, and the rain that pours down to the earth. Where do I belong? If ‘heart’ is the righteous choice then why does it only bring pain? If ‘mind’ is the choice of a cold heart then why do I experience stronger feelings? Is it love? Or is it a force inculcated by the darkness of loneliness, the need for belonging, an illusion of infatuation? What is love? I thought it was many things.

In my opinion ‘Love is often a misconception of infatuation. One would be smart enough to know that it is an immature contemplation but in spite of having significant understanding of its unrealistic existence, he/she would fail to seize the stupidity that is followed due to uncontrollable desires.’

On the other hand The Four Loves by Clive Staples Lewis well explains the different natures of love, distinguishing well about the need-love and gift-love. Of all four loves: Storge (Affection), Philia (Friendship), Eros (Romance), Agape (unconditional love), I have agreed on and have clearly noticed how unconditional love is separated, leaving the first three to condition (or need-love).

“I love you”, “I trust you”, “I am sorry”: The most difficult words to say are yet sometimes so easily uttered without any meaning. “I want you”, “I need you”, and “I don’t want to lose you”. But for how long? Words only bound by time and needs I suppose.

A dog is a faithful child. He will always stay faithful to his owner no matter what. He will sit by a crying child with a sad face. He will be jumping around with happiness to see you home. He will stand by you fiercely when in danger, And that is the soft heart that we must possess. Care, fondness, protectiveness, feelings we must share to make the other happy.

A cat on the other hand is one who feeds off the offerings of the owner, one who is independent, one who always finds a way to be self sufficient, one who adapts and changes and does anything to make it through life. Selfish one might say, but how can we always have our happiness depend on someone else? If change is the only constant then we will never be happy. That is something we must all be by definition of a strong person.

Insecurities leaves the truth bottled up and eventually leads to the destruction of beautiful feelings. We all feel insecure about how the other person feels about us when we are in a relationship and insecure about ourselves when we are not in a relationship. Everyone has insecurities, but the way we act on it makes the difference.

Experiencing pain and being hurt is often the result of expectations and disappointments. Expectations from the other person, failing to meet the expectations we have set for ourselves. How can we not expect when we have had someone there for us built our trust on and then suddenly have that all vanished in thin air? Should we always worry about our dependencies, curtail any sort of expectations? Will that make us happy?

Why is it that we become so cold? Is it because we get used to the pain? Or is it because we have built a wall so that we don’t have to visit that place again? How long do we keep our wall high? How long should we stand our guard? Where are my tears? What was so often seen, so easily poured, now hard to visit.

Being lost in emptiness yet always sincerely happy with smiles and joy to share, is this pain or happiness? Can one be both at the same time? Can one be hurt by happiness? There is nothing wrong about being alone. There is a lot to learn from loneliness. It teaches us to find ourselves, to understand deeply who we are. I sometimes feel invincible by the gift of control of my thoughts. Is this a gift at all? Could this mean I am missing out on something more beautiful?

Does everything have a perfectly logical explanation? Does everything always have an explanation at all? Can every relationship be defined and hold some meaning? Or do we always try to find reasons to listen to our hearts when everything seems right and find reasons to go against our hearts to avoid the after pain?


  1. I think we can’t explain emotional things to someone perfectly with words. And most definition of words, especially emotional words, is not correct. Can we express our emotion to other people with words? Generally speaking, “heart” is emotion in your body and “mind” is reason in your brain. That’s it? We are sometime confused with using words. I think only we can say our emotional condition with look of face without words. We don’t need words to say some emotional things. “Love is no need to say”.

  2. Indeed, that's why so much confusion. Feelings are driven by the heart, and reason by the brain, which is why we are sometimes in confusion when they both go against each other, but both are equally important and finding that medium ground is necessary.


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