Moving On...

Moving on... usually followed by Goodbye, sometimes is the hardest thing to do. I was inspired to write this after my friend Grisha (a.k.a Blusha) wrote about her thoughts on saying Goodbye. Something one comes across at least once in their lives. Some people are lucky to have gone through it just once. The rest of us? Well what does not kill us only makes us stronger. Having said that here are my views on moving on.

Every moment of our life is an experience that, like a potter shapes us into the person we are. A vase is very rarely straight up and sharp edged. It has its curves, the ups and downs, the bumpy ride just like our lives. Ultimately the result is still beautiful art.

Moving on does not mean "Forgive and Forget". In fact I find it very difficult to forget. Either we need to move on from a good memory or a bad one. If its a good one, the pain comes from letting go and if its a bad one then the pain lies in the hatred of oneself or the person causing it. In either ways of hatred we should consider it like a lesson learnt.

Forgetting a lesson increases the risk of repeating the mistake, while forgetting a memory is like leaving your soul behind.

Forgiving is just as important as moving on. It brings your self to peace. Having grudges only leaves your soul in distress.

Nobody is perfect, we are all human and we all make mistakes. The only thing that can hurt us more than someone else not forgiving us, is not forgiving ourselves. If we want to live our lives, make things right, make a difference to others and to ourselves we need to forgive and move on. Being stuck in a vicious cycle of negativity and self hatred does not get us anywhere.

There are many a times we need to help someone move on from their lives. And sometimes it calls for telling the hard truth. Not everyone can digest the realities of life and for most, it is the changes that are hard to adjust to. This puts us in a position of becoming the bad person in their lives. Some day they will realise if they move on. If they don't, just believe you played your part. You can only walk your horse to the lake, you cannot force it to drink.

Change is the only constant and the key to the race of "survival of the fittest" is adaptation. In my understanding to adapt is to change, to change is to move on from what we should leave behind and carry on into what is ahead of us.

Its like getting your back pack ready for a trip. You have to pack light and in order to do that you have to leave quite a few things behind at home and take only the things that you need through your journey always leaving some empty space. It doesn't mean you will have lost those things you left back home. It just means you will be back with more and come home to everything you always had.

There is a very fine line between giving up and letting go. The trick is to find which side of the line you are on. Hell I have no advice for that. But sometimes its just a gut feeling. If your gut tells you to stick around and fight for it, then do so with all your heart. If not then hold your head up high and walk through the storm.


  1. Nice blog...
    I think, Letting go will be a good option because even if things goes against you, it will come back to you if you really deserve them....


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